Here's how to use Lettria's suggestion engine to enrich an existing ontology attached to a project.
- Access your ontology
- Click on Manage suggestions
- Click on Generate suggestions
- If your ontology is not attached to a project, it will only generate generic suggestions
- If your ontology is attached to a project, it will also analyze datasets from the project you most recently used to generate suggestions
If you want to generate suggestions from datasets, you need to attach one or more dataset to a project) where your ontology is attached.
How do we generate suggestions?
Jump to
- Synonyms
- Search for new words: Ngrams
- Lettria Ontology
- Structuration
- Abbreviation
- Search for new attributes/relationships
Goal | Generate synonyms for a class with the existing labels |
Type | Generic suggestion |
Input |
Process |
Output |
Metrics |
You have a class 'dog' with:
- Pref label 'dog'
- Alt label 'canine'
We could suggest you 'pup', 'puppy' or 'cur' as alt label
Search for new words: Ngrams
Goal |
Detect words or composed words in your datasets that are not in your ontology |
Type |
Dataset based suggestions |
Input |
Process |
Output |
Metrics |
Example (EN)
"The apple pie is one of our famous pies, because it is cooked in old-fashioned stone oven. Find the recipe in the cook book page 4. "
apple pie
famous pie
old-fashioned stone oven
stone oven
cook book
page 4
Example (FR)
"La veine fémorale profonde fait partie des veines profondes de la jambe."
veine fémorale
veine fémorale profonde
veine profonde
veine profonde de la jambe
Lettria Ontology
Goal |
Compare your ontology and Lettria's ontology to deduce suggestions from our existing knowledge |
Type |
Generic suggestion |
Input |
Process |
Output |
Metrics |
You have added 'red' and 'blue' classes to your ontology. In Lettria we have different classes for these two words, but "color" is a class that appears for 100% of the labels you added.
Within our 'color' class, there are other narrower classes such as 'pink', 'yellow' or 'green'.
These narrower classes will be added as new class suggestions in your ontology.
Goal |
The goal is to map all the multiple variations of a single word or concept, so that it can be identified by text comprehension, regardless of the form in which it appears in the data. |
Type |
Dataset based suggestions |
Input |
Process |
Uses text structuration of your datasets to find other ways to call something. |
Output |
Metrics |
Example (EN)
"The Kaliningrad K-5 ( NATO reporting name : AA-1 Alkali ), also called RS-1U or product ShM, was an early Soviet air-to-air missile."
Kaliningrad K-5 -> AA-1 Alkali
Kaliningrad K-5 -> RS-1U
Kaliningrad K-5 -> product ShM
graph LR
A((Kaliningrad)) -- Status --> F[Call]
A -- Status --> C[Call]
C --> E((product))
E -- Attribute --> B[Shm]
A -- Attribute --> D[K-5]
F --> G((RS-1U))
Example (FR)
"La veine saphène interne ou 'grande saphène' : La veine saphène interne, ou veine grande saphène, se trouve sur la face interne de la jambe."
veine saphène interne -> grande saphène
veine saphène interne -> veine grande saphène
Goal |
Detect if a word is an abbreviation of an existing label |
Type |
Dataset based suggestions |
Input |
Process |
Output |
Metrics |
We have exacted 'NY' as an ngram from your dataset. You have 'New York' in your ontology so we can suggest 'NY' as alt label of 'New York'
Search for new attribute or relationship
Goal |
Detect new property rules for your classes |
Type |
Dataset based suggestions |
Input |
Process |
Uses text structuration of your datasets. The actual taxonomy used to hierarchize classes, is checked to propose new attribute/relationship to several classes at once, depending on their parent/children relation. |
Output |
If all the words: desk, table, door, shelf, ... have a size property (after processing the structuring of the text), we can suggest that their common parent class has a size property.
Example (EN)
"This wooden desk is made in Italy "
Class Desk -> new property : hasMatter -> "wood"
Class Desk -> new relationship : hasCountryOfOrigin > Class Italy
Example (FR)
"La France a une population d'environ 67 millions d'habitants. Celle de la Suisse, avoisine les 8,5 millions."
Class France -> new property : hasPopulationNumber -> 67 000 000
Class Suisse -> new property : hasPopulationNumber -> 8 500 000
Class Country -> new property : hasPopulationNumber -> number > Class
Find where to insert new information
This last part attempts to insert the new information into the existing ontology, by defining the target class to which it will be attached.
Ultimately, new suggestions can be categorised into these different types:
- New child class (with class name and class parent)
- New pref label for a class (with label language)
- New alt label for a class (with label language)
- New hidden label for a class (with label language)
- New property for a class (with property name , type and value)
- New relationship between two classes (with relationship name, class owner and class target)